If that doesn't make you sigh you are a GRINCH!
The Kiddos were totally an accident in this picture and I wouldn't of had it any other way :)
So just some background of my Christmas tree. EVERY ornament was purchased AFTER Christmas for the last 3 years which means if you do the math I was tree-less our first married year :(
But even if I had one I wouldn't of had a place to put it since our apartment flooded over thanksgiving (grumble, grumble) but it gave me a great opportunity to stock up on ornaments!
So our "first tree" was a borrowed tree on our second married Christmas, but with OUR ornaments!
Got it? Great!
And then we graduated to our very own pre-lit 9½ foot tree
(I love the smell and look of a real tree but not so much the trail of needles, constant watering and not being able to turn the lights on once it is dried up on Christmas Day *blech* - so it's artificial for me!)
It also happened to be the first year in our new house
(same ornaments + some)
This year I had a tree full of ornaments plus some unopened boxes of last years after Christmas finds so I got to make a wreath *squeal!*
My ornaments are very cheap plastic (shhh don't tell!) so in the unfortunate event that a toddler or baby gets a hold of any and dareIsay break them *gasp*, I don't cry. (too much)
And in past years the crookedness and not dangling freely would drive me crazy but I'm kinda chill this year!
Don't tell SARAH!
But do check out her party!