Sunday, December 6, 2009

Everybody's doin' it!

I saw it and I knew it must be mine.
One small problemo... I am soooo broke :(
I was putting up my Christmas tree this weekend and I found FOUR boxes of after Christmas clearance ornaments that I had stashed away last year.
So I got all the sparkly gratifying gorgeousness for FREEEEEEE!

and even better my mom was visiting and she helped me make it so it's now got a part of both of us ♥

Check out the inspiration:



And some more pictures of mine XOXO


Misty said...

Yours is cuter. Man it's late. I've gotta go to bed!

Hayley said...

I've been wanting to make one of these so bad!! Yours is super duper cute!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

It is soooo pretty! Really, the colors would look perfect by my tree! :)

Erin said...


TDC made a comment on my blog!!!
I am a gigantismo fan if ya couldn't tell ;)

- said...

haha I wish people got that excited when I posted comments on their blogs.

btw they do look amazing. You really are extremely talented and I love coming to look at all the new projects you have.

Darci said...

i want one too! i will be heading to tai pan after christmas to get clearance balls! (ok sounds wrong...but you know what i mean)

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